За втори пореден път учениците се докоснаха до анимационното изкуство, чрез интересните разкази и примери от практиката на художника Ивайло Иванчев.Оживяха образите от сториборди, аниматик клипчета, анимационни 2d и 3d филми пред очите на присъстващите в залата млади таланти...

06-04-2017 година

Ивайло Иванчев е художник от български произход, който от 20 години живее и твори в Австралия. В България е познат предимно чрез илюстрациите си на многобройни детски и младежки книги. Добрата му рисунка е впечатлила обаче не само българските издатели но и много продуценти и режисьори на анимационни филм с които е имал шанса да работи през годините. Именно този опит Ивайло Иванчев разкри, пред ученици на гимназията в краткото, но ползотворно време на творческата съвместна среща. 

Синът на Ивайло Иванчев - Мартин Евънс сподели също и своя творчески опит, споделяйки ни повече за особеностите и предимствата за следването в художествените училище в Австралия. Беше изготвил специална презентация за случая.

Запознайте се със сториборд процеса /подготвителния етап/, необходим за изработката на един анимационен филмов проект:

Представяме ви част от творческата автобиография на художника:

Ivaylo Ivantchev's Summary

2012-"Get Ace"-character design,storyboard
2012- "Chloe's closet"-storyboard
2012- "Fairy Tales Dropouts"-storyboard
2012- "The Ghosts of Time"-design and storyboard
2011- "Zhu Zhu Pets"-animation-storyboard
2011- "Guess How Much..."-TV animation-storyboard
2010- "The Woodlies" -TV animation series - concept design
2010- "Santa's Apprentice"-TV animated feature -- animation
2009- "Dive Olly Dive!"- 3D animation series -- storyboard
2009- "Davincibles"-storyboard
2008- "The legend of Enyo"-3D animation series -- storyboard
2008- "Zeke's Pad"- 3D animation series -- storyboard
2008- "Gasp"-storyboard
2007- "Dex Hamilton"-storyboard
2007- "Zigby"- 3D animation series -- character&location design,storyboard
2006- "Master Raindrop"- 3D animation series-storyboard,production design
2006- "Stains down Drain"- TV animation series -- storyboard
2005- "Dive Olly Dive!"- 3D animation series -- storyboard
2005- "Deadly"- TV animation series -- concept design, storyboard supervisor
2004- "Flipper 3" -TV animated series -- storyboard
2004- "Blinky Bill 3"- TV animation series - storyboard supervisor
2003- "Tabaluga 3"- TV animation series - character&FX design,storyboard
2002- "Fairy Tale Police Department"- TV series animation series- storyboard,production design
2001- "Far Scape" SiFi -- TV Drama -- character design,storyboard
2001- "Tabaluga 2"-TV animation series -- storyboard
2000- "Old Tom"-TV animated series -- storyboard,production design
1999- "Emma and the Detectives"- pilot film -- animation,layout
1999- "Dumb Bunnies"-TV animation series -- animation

1990-1998 - Fiut Publishing House - Working as illustrator and comics book artist in FIUT cartoon magazine for children. Illustrator of the series of children's books. Worked as a freelance illustrator with other publishing houses 
including: Zlatnoto Pate and Pleada Publishing House.

Extensive experience in illustration,animation,storyboard and production design.
My major area of experience is the storyboard. I've done over 170 storyboards in 2D, 3D and Flash animated productions. I'm experienced in digital storyboarding,using Photoshop and Toon Boom Storyboard Pro.
I've also worked in two productions as a storyboard supervisor.

Ivaylo Ivantchev's Experience

storyboard ,character design
Galaxy Pop
Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Entertainment industry
September 2012 -- Present (5 months) Melbourne

Concept character design,storyboard
designer and storyboard artist
March 2011 -- Present (1 year 11 months)

designer and storyboard artist
Flying Bark Productions
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Animation industry
2007 -- March 2011 (4 years)

Creating storyboards for 2D and 3D animated series.Working close with the art director and the production director.
Creating concept designs for new progects as well as production design-character,prop and location.
animator,storyboard and layout artist
Yoram Gross/EM TV
1999 -- 2007 (8 years)

2D Animator, character,prop and location design,storyboard artist and storyboard supervisor
storyboard artist
Yoram Gross Film Studio
1999 -- 2006 (7 years)